Row Home Renovations | Beginner's Guide to Bathrooms and Kitchens

Since we service the Northern Virginia (NOVA) and the D.C. area, a lot of our business is based on Row Home Renovations. We understand that Row Homes look the same on the outside, but who says they have to all look the same on the inside?

Our professional contractors at Monumental Contractors will help you find the best floor plan for your Row Home. Our goal is to provide more usable space for our clients to ensure they make the most out of small spaces.

What is a Row Home?

We could probably write a small book on Row Homes. However, we don’t want anyone to fall asleep, so we'll keep it as basic as possible. A Row Home is similar to a townhome in that they share walls on each side and offer little privacy and space. All Row Homes are single-family homes that are normally under 1,500 square feet.

Row Homes are almost always built in major metropolises that have more people than they have room. Row Homes are called this because in the early to mid 1800s, when major cities were being built, workers would come into the cities from everywhere across the world (literally almost every nationality).

As these workers came into the major cities, the easiest, cheapest, and most practical way to house them was to build massive apartment style buildings. These buildings were set in single rows surrounding the main streets to every city center.


  • Most convenient housing option
  • Affordable housing
  • Very little maintenance in Row Homes
  • Most Row Homes don’t have Homeowners Associations to take your money
  • Save money on transportation costs


  • Normally very small homes, especially for families with more than 1 child
  • Very little privacy
  • Row Homes are placed in the middle of cities, so it’s normally very loud
  • Row Homes are all the same on the outside
  • Shared plumbing systems and electrical wiring

Is There a Way to Make My Row Home Feel Bigger and more Spacious?

We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t believe we could make your Row Home the best Row Home you’ve ever seen. We can completely remodel your Row Home or do renovations in steps to break it up for you. I prefer to break up renovations so I don't feel like I’m burdened with an extra financial obligation.

Either way, we will work with our clients to provide the best option and game plan for their specific needs.

How Much Does it Cost to Renovate a Row House?

Anytime you renovate a house, there are 3 factors to consider (besides the type of house) when trying to estimate how much a renovation will cost.

  1. Where is your home located? Renovations are always more expensive in larger cities, such as D.C.
  2. Are you upgrading Appliances (washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators, etc…)? Some new smart technology freezers, refrigerators, and washing machines can run into the $5,000- $10,000 range. Always take into account what kind of upgrades you want versus what you need to save money.
  3. What kind of materials are you using for the renovation? If you’re wanting all new custom cabinetry, with quartz countertops, and marble floor tile, you could spend well over $40,000 on just those 3 examples. Ask our contractors what they will go best with your home and you’ll be pleasantly pleased with the incredible ideas they can come up with.

According to HomeAdvisor, Row Home renovation can cost less than $75 a square foot for labor costs. Row Homes can be renovated for as little as $25 per square foot, but it depends on the type of work you’re getting done.

What Are the Major Costs of Row Home Renovation?

Since Row Homes are connected with many other homes, they share electricity, plumbing, and trash services. For this reason, it can cost more to have to move plumbing, replace wiring, and ovens/stoves.

Another thing that could increase cost is the overall weight of the equipment and appliances they have to bring up steps. For example, a granite countertop can weigh hundreds of pounds, making it very difficult for contractors to carry up several flights of stairs and maintain control and safety of the countertop and themselves.

How Can Monumental Save Me Money?

Renovations don’t have to be overly expensive and extravagant to make a difference in your quality of life and resale.  

Some of our contractors have worked for their entire working lives on renovating Row Houses. They have learned all the tricks, tips, and methods for turning ordinary Row Homes into comfortable and enjoyable living spaces. Monumental Contractors has established great connections with builders, welders, architects, and contractors that know how to always keep you on budget. Call for a consultation today and we can get you a Row Home that feels unique to you and your family.

Which Rooms Will Improve the Value of My Row Home?

I’m pretty confident that all of us would like to increase the value of our home as we live in it. Home renovations are the best and surest way to increase the value of your home.

However, not everything you want to renovate will give you a good return on investment. For example, renovating a fireplace in your living room or adding a deck isn’t going to give you a great return.

Replacing only the cabinets can be very expensive, but very beautiful and aesthetically rewarding. However, you’re not going to get a huge return on new cabinets, so if you want them make sure you live there awhile.

New Kitchens

New Kitchens as a whole are one of the most financially rewarding remodels you can do for your home. According to bankrate, even small kitchen renovations will give you above 70% on your return in investment.

Renovating your entire kitchen can increase your return on investment by much higher if done by the right people.

New Bathrooms

Kitchens and bathrooms are the two top places in a home where you get the most value. Master (Primary) bathrooms are the easiest way to improve the value of your home because everyone wants a nice place to shower and be by themselves in vulnerable moments.

How Much Does a Kitchen Renovation Cost?

Any renovation you do is subjective and relative to the area you live in, the materials you use, and the availability of contractors. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about researching everything individually, because Monumental will do all that for you. Once your budget is set, we will work with you every step of the way to find the best options for your budget and personal style.

As of right now, an entire kitchen remodel costs about $100-$150 per square foot. Smaller kitchens can be done for as little as $3,000-$5,000 and as much as $20,000 for large kitchens.

Row Home Kitchen Budget Planning

When planning out your budget for a kitchen in your Row Home, consider the most expensive and least expensive things to renovate. According to HomeAdvisor, the biggest part of your budget for a kitchen should be the cabinetry and hardware (30%). The hidden costs are what often gets people when they plan their budget because it’s typically an afterthought. For example, installation costs could use up at least 17% of your total budget.

Another hidden cost to think about is design and engineering costs (4-6%) for custom work that you have done. These costs will take up about 20% of your overall budget and need to be considered before you look at the most luxurious and elegant materials. Countertops and flooring should take up very little of your overall kitchen remodel budget.

Many clients want beautiful floors and granite countertops that are extravagant and breathtaking, but don’t consider the best way to spend their money. Our contractors will walk you through every facet of the renovation and ensure that you’re getting the most out of your money. When our clients win, we win, and we take your happiness very seriously.

How Much is a Bathroom Renovation?

As someone who is in the market for a new home, one thing that always stands out to me are the bathrooms. A nice, warm, inviting bathroom can be the difference between you selling your home and people passing on the sale.

In 2021, the current price limits are around $100-$125 per square foot, depending on the work done. As I mentioned before, plumbing, electrical, and removing toilets or bathtubs can get expensive in a Row House.

However, we offer affordable prices to suit almost any budget and pride ourselves in always finding a way to accommodate our clients.

How Do I Save Money With My Bathroom Renovation?

Similar to a kitchen remodel, bathroom countertops are going to take up a bigger portion of the overall budget. If there were things that will get you the most out of your money, it's the type of shower/bathtub, and how much you’re willing to spend on cabinets/vanity.

For example, if you choose to stay with a bathtub/shower combination, you could save thousands in installation, tile, and plumbing costs. I realize that a walk-in shower is going to pop more and be more practical for most adults, but it’s going to cost much more and take much longer to finish than a bathtub.

Another way to save a lot of money is by using laminate flooring and countertops, versus tile and granite. Either way, speak with our sales team and let them connect you with the right contractor for the job.

Why Choose Monumental for My Row Home Renovation?

In short, we’ve renovated thousands of Row Homes across the D.C. and NOVA areas with incredible success and satisfaction.

We don’t say this to boast, but to assure you, that if you give us a chance, we can make it work and provide you with the best Row Home possible!

If you’re curious about the type of work we’ve done so far, we’ve included the Monumental Contractors portfolio for your enjoyment.

  1. We always stick to our timelines
  2. We provide spreadsheets and costs for your renovation before we start
  3. We have decades of successful experience working with Row Homes
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